Cashflow Consulting

Solve chronic issues by aligning your cashflow with your priorities.

Fiscal Therapy cashflow strategy
Your cashflow is your flexibility

Planning is hard.
Planning money is harder.

Your cash gives you options. Much of it is already obligated, so let Fiscal Therapy help you understand how you can stretch and where your limits are.

Better Budgeting helps you understand your flexibility - and your limits.

Why we equate our budgeting process with wellness.

If your business was a living being, your cash is your range of motion. Certain parts of your business' body have a fixed range, but others can be flexed and should be stretched to allow you to go further. Fiscal Therapy helps you work through those constraints so you can see your potential.

Your starting balance

Let's review your existing cash plan or build one from scratch. 

  • Set up YouNeedABudget software
  • Connect accounts
  • Design income and expense categories that align with your books
The next 3 months

Let's build you a 13 week cash plan and identify the risks. 

  • Allocate current cash to expenses
  • Forecast inflows for future expenses
  • Identify risks
Your priorities

Beyond your day to day, you have bigger priorities. Let's plan savings for these to succeed.

  • Identify and define priorities
  • Build buffer for risks
  • Build cash targets for priorities
Fiscal Therapy bookkeeping services money management
We do bookeeping for accountants who don't

Are you an accountant with clients plagued by disorganized bookkeeping?

Get the Fiscal Therapy you need to improve your own wellbeing.

As a bookkeeping company that doesn't work on tax filing or payroll management, we're a great resource for accountants who need consistent and reliable bookkeeping to make working for their own clients much less stressful.

Ready to get help?

Free consultation

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